One of the biggest challenges that the MacOS faces in today's marketplace is the idea that Windows is better because "it can do things that the Mac can't." While most of us know this is not entirely true, there is a mentallity out there that is very difficult to overcome. The MacOS can do most of the things Windows can, and in many cases can do them better.
However, believe it or not, I have heard many people complain that they don't like to use the MacOS because it doesn't have a "Run" function. Phooey! The "Run" function of Windows is one of the most inefficient things I've ever seen when it comes to computer interface design. However, I'm not going to ignore the Windows Whiners™ in this case. I'm going to one-up them.
Enter MacRun...
MacRun 1.2 is my answer. It, very simply, adds the same functionality to the MacOS that the "Run..." command gives Windows. It is also much more configurable than its Windows counterpart. When installed, MacRun will appear very familiar to those Windows users that desire the "Run..." command.
MacRun gives you the option of placing an alias of itself into the Apple menu so that it is accessible just like "Run..." is available under the "Start" menu in Windows (this is a default option).
When launched, MacRun's window is very similar to the Windows "Run..." window. It has an edit-field that allows you to type in a pathname directly, a "Browse" button, a "Run" button, and a history-list.
Installing MacRun...
Installing MacRun is very simple. When you have unstuffed the files using the self-extracting archive, simply place the MacRun folder wherever you would like to store it. Then, double-click on the MacRun icon. After you have used MacRun for the first time, it will automatically place a "Run..." command in your Apple Menu as long as this option is not turned off in the Preferences dialog box. Whenever you would like to use MacRun, just select "Run..." from the Apple Menu.
Using MacRun...
Using MacRun is very simple. You can simply type in the complete pathname to the file or application you want to open in the edit-field and then click on Run. If the pathname was correct, MacRun will open the file or application automatically. A pathname is a certain series of words that the MacOS uses to decide where files are located. An example of this is "Macintosh HD:Applications:SimpleText" (note that the quotes are NOT included in this). Macintosh HD is a disk, Applications is a folder and SimpleText is an application. Put these in a row and seperate them with colons and you have a pathname!
MacRun will also allow you to open folders. Just type in the pathname of the folder. If MacRun detects that what you type is a folder, it changes the "Run" button into an "Open" button to indicate the pathname points to a folder.
You can also click on the "Browse..." button. This will bring up a standard MacOS File Navigation dialog box. Use this dialog box to choose the file or folder you want to open. When you click on "Open", the pathname of the item you selected will appear in the edit-field and you can click on "Run" to open that item.
Additionally, as of Version 1.2, you can now also open internet protocols with MacRun. See the section "The Internet and MacRun" for more information.
MacRun also keeps a history list of recently opened items. To access this list, use the pop-up menu to the right of the edit-field. Newer items are listed toward the top, older items listed toward the bottom. Again, when you select an item, its pathname shows up in the edit-field and you can click on "Run" to launch the item. MacRun does not keep track of folders in the history list.
The Internet and MacRun
MacRun can be configured to allow the user to enter internet addresses and, instead of launching a document or application, opening that interent address. When "Allow Internet Addresses" is checked in the "Preferences" window, MacRun will look for certain combinations of characters in the text the user has entered. If it finds any specific combinations, MacRun goes into internet mode.
The special combinations of characters that MacRun looks for are "http://", "ftp://", and "mailto:" If these combinations of characters are found at the beginning of the text the user enters, the "Internet Address" checkbox automatically checks and the "Run" button changes to a "ShowURL" button.
Note that in the picture above, the first characters the user typed were "http://". Therefore the "Internet Address" checkbox is checked and the "Run" button now says "ShowURL". This lets the user know that MacRun will treat the entered text as an Internet address and not a filename. When the user clicks on "ShowURL", MacRun will use the current Internet Config settings to launch the appropriate browser and open the entered address.
As of this version of MacRun, the only addresses MacRun will automatically recognize as Internet Addresses are those beginning with "http://", "ftp://" or "mailto:". However, the user can still force MacRun to open any other type of internet address by clicking on the "Internet Address" checkbox with the mouse. If the user activates this checkbox manually, MacRun will interpret any text entered, no matter what characters it begins with, as an internet address. To let MacRun automatically decide again, manually turn off the "Internet Address" checkbox.
Internet addresses are also tracked in the History List, just like any other filename.
Configuring MacRun...
MacRun can be configured in several ways (many more than its Windows counterpart). To configure MacRun, choose "Preferences..." from the "Edit" menu. This will bring up a configuration dialog box.
Show "Run..." in Apple Menu: When checked, a "Run..." option will appear in Apple Menu. When not checked, this option will not appear. Please note that to use this option requires that AppleScript be installed on your computer.
Force User to Browse: When checked, this option will not allow the user to enter a pathname manually. Instead, the user will either have to use the History List or the "Browse..." button to select the item they want to launch.
Stay Open After Launch: When checked, MacRun will not quit after the "Run" button has been clicked. Instead, the program or document will launch and MacRun will stay active in the background to be available to be used again quickly.
Allow Internet Addresses: When checked, MacRun will recognize Internet Addresses and will use the Internet Config settings to open the correct browser to take the user to the address entered. If this option is not checked, MacRun will consider any internet address entered to be the filename of a local application or document.
Use History List: When checked, the history list will be visible in the MacRun window. If this option is turned off, the history list will not be available (although its contents are remembered and updated) and the user will either have to manually enter the pathname or use the "Browse..." button.
Limit List...: This option lets you set the number of items that will be remembered in the History List. By default, this option is 20. It can be set as high as 50.
Display Application/Document Name Only: This option allows you to toggle how the history list will be displayed. When on, only the actualy document/application name will be displayed. When off, the entire pathname will be displayed in the history list.
Allow List to be Modified: When checked, a "Modify this Menu..." option will appear in the history list pop-up menu. This option will allow you to modify the history list (see "Modifying the History List" below).
Launch Immediately: When checked, MacRun will immediately launch any application or document chosen from the History List without the user having to click on the "Run" button. If this option is not checked, the pathname of the item selected will appear in the main window and the user will have to click on "Run" to launch the item.
Modifying the History List
There may be times when you either want to delete an item from the history list or delete the list entirely. This is easy to do. When you open the history list, you will see an option at the bottom of the list called "Modify This Menu..." (This option will only appear in the History List if "Allow List to be Modified" is selected in the Preferences Window. Selecting this option brings up the following window:
The listbox lists all the items currently in the history list. To delete one of these items, highlight it and click on the "Delete Item" button. The item will disappear and be erased from the history list. To erase the entire list, click on the "Clear List" button.
When you are done modifying the history list, click on "Done" or press "Return."
I am not advocating MacRun as the easiest, most efficient way to launch programs. I personally feel that launchers are the best for that. However, I do see a need for this type of function in the MacOS and have heard people wish that it was included, which is why I've developed MacRun. It is my hope that future versions will, while allowing the same functionallity as Version 1.0 provides, provide easier and more efficient ways to launch applications and documents by including functionallity similar to launchers as well.
MacRun is freeware. It may be distributed freely as long as only the original self-extracting archive is distributed and not individual components. MacRun may not be modified in any way without the written consent of the author. If you wish to include MacRun in any distributed archive or any commercial product, please ask for permission from the author.
Contact Information
I accecpt and encourage feedback and bug reports as well as suggestions. In most cases, I will even try to respond to those suggestions. Shareware/Freeware exists because of the support of its users, so your thoughts and opinions are important. Even though MacRun is freeware, I do ask that you e-mail me with your thoughts if you use MacRun on a regular basis. Feedback and bug reports should go to If you are wanting to submit a bug report, please provide all the pertinant info (machine model, system version, any non-standard extensions/control panels).
The most recent version of MacRun as well as other fine software for the MacOS is available at the SearchWare Solutions home-page (